Green Vision (Becker Lane Farm) Dyersville, Iowa
When we visited the producer of organic pork, Mr. Jude Becker, at his farm in 2005, he said as follows:
“My neighboring pig producer think I am strange to do something silly like something organic.”
We said: “We would like you to continue your efforts because we are positive that the organic era will come sooner or later. Let’s join hands to explore the opportunities within the Japanese market!”
He accepted our request and promised to supply the USDA Certified organic berkshire pig to the Japanese market.
These days, the demand for organic meat within America has grown in double digits, while his farm has expanded greatly. Becker’s products are supplied to Whole Foods market as well as renowned restaurants in Chicago and San Francisco. Their breeding method was approved, and has been certified even by AWA(Animal Welfare Approved). Plus, they were featured on the popular Oprah Winfrey talk show as “organic beyond organic.”
The awareness of things organic in Japan has been raised, and more fans are longing for this organic berkshire pork which we deliver.